Transportation Landmark Case Studies
Designation as a Landmark (best practice) case study through our peer selection process recognizes programs and social marketing approaches considered to be among the most successful, innovative, replicable and adaptable in the world.
Nominations are screened by Tools of Change staff and the most promising ones are then rated by peer selection panels based on a standard scoring grid. Designated programs are captured in detail and presented to other social change practitioners through brief summary videos and full-length written case studies.
Thirty seven transportation case studies have been designated to date. Links to the most recently designated case studies are bolded.
- Austin's Leave Time Travel Incentive (2020)
- Bear Creek Active and Safe Routes to School Program (designated in 2009)
- Bicycle Friendly Communities Program (2014)
- Bikeability Safety Training in the UK (2016)
- Bixi Bicycle Sharing (2012)
- Bologna's Bella Mossa (2019) Three-Minute Video
- Brisbane's Active Schools Travel Program (2018)
- Calgary's Workshift (2012)
- Capitol Hill In Motion (2017) Five-Minute Summary Video
- Carpooling Promotion in Paris (2023)
- Casual Carpooling in DC (2009)
- Chicago's Go Program (2017) Five-Minute Summary Video
- Love To Ride (2014)
- Go Boulder (2009)
- EcoDriver (2011)
- Edmonton's LocalMotion Program (2011)
- England's Sustainable Travel Towns (2010)
- Fondaction and Carrefour Earn Points for Sustainable Transportation (2010)
- Green Communities Active and Safe Routes to School Program (2009)
- Haliburton Communities in Action (2012)
- HSBC Clean Air Achievers (2013)
- How Copenhagen Became a Cycling City (2022)
- Integrated TDM Marketing in the UK (2010)
- Liftshare and Mobilityways, U.K. (2023)
- King County in Motion (2015) Five-Minute Summary Video (old format)
- Maryland & Virginia Telework (2010)
- Paris Reduces Car Use, Boosts Walking and Cycling (2022)
- Playa Vista Ability2Change (2016)
- Seattle's Just One Trip (2020)
- Smart Trips Austin (2023)
- Smart Trips Welcome (2012)
- Stepping It Up (2013)
- Stockholm Congestion Pricing (2013)
- TDM at Seattle Children's Hospital (2021)
- University of Washington's U-Pass Program (2009)
- Vancouver's Individualized Marketing Pilot (2008)
- Virgin Atlantic's Airline Captains Improve Fuel Efficiency (2021)
- Walkability Roadshow (2008)
These case studies were designated by our Transportation Peer-Selection Panel, which is made up of members from on the ground programs as well as from some of North America's most proactive NGO and government organizations supporting TDM professionals. Those in bold are currently serving on the panel.
- Danny Albert, University of Ottawa's Parking and Sustainable Transportation Department (2008 and 2009)
- Elizabeth Allingham, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (2010)
- Wallace Beaton, Green Communities Canada (2019 to 2021)
- Ben Campbell, Transport Canada (2011)
- Daniel Coldrey, Transport Canada (2009 and 2010)
- Mark Dessauer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC Foundation (2008 to 2014)
- Katherine Forster, Transport Canada (2008)
- Aaron Gaul, UrbanTrans (2019 to 2022)
- Lisa Goodlet, Transport Canada (2011)
- Catherine Habel, Metrolinx (2008 and 2009)
- Jacky Kennedy, Green Communities Canada (2008 to 2015)
- Sunny Knott, King County (2017 to 2018)
- Ryan Lanyon, City of Toronto (2008 to 2016)
- Nathalie Lapointe, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (2011 to 2022)
- David Levinger, The Mobility Education Foundation (2012 to 2022)
- Patricia Lucy, Translink (2013 to 2015)
- Jessica Mankowski, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (2008 and 2009)
- Gary McFadden, National Center for Biking and Walking (2009)
- Lorenzo Mele,Town of Markham (2008 to 2012)
- Geoff Noxon, Transportation Asociation of Canada (2010 to 2020)
- Adam Popper, City of Toronto (2017 to 2018)
- Nicole Roach, Green Communities Canada (2022)
- Jessica Roberts, Alta Planning + Design (2021-2022)
- Lisa Kay Schweyer, Carnegie Mellon University (2020 to 2022)
- Michele Smith, Brisbane City Council (2019)
- Chuck Wilsker, U.S. Telework Coalition (2009 to 2015)
- Phil Winters, University of South Florida (2008 to 2022)
- JoAnn Woodhall, Translink (2008 to 2012 and 2016 to 2018)