- Guides from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Provides guides, reports, toolkits and videos to help build stronger municipalities, with resources covering Affordable Housing, Energy, Low Carbon, Transportation Land use, Waste, Water, Women in governmentGuide for Engaging Students to...
- Incorporating Home Water Reports to Minimize Home Water Use During Droughts
This open access study used a large-scale framed field experiment to evaluate the short- and long-run effects of Home Water Reports on water usage during drought conditions.
The study randomly assigned participants into a a control...
- Fostering a Sustainable Future
Includes a guide to community-based social marketing, and sections with articles, brief case studies, graphic examples, and an archived listserv.Covers environmental topics (composting, energy efficiency, household waste disposal, litter...
- Getting Your Feet Wet
A downloadable social marketing guide for watershed programs (2006)...
- Community Toolbox
Includes many annotated links to other web-based resources supporting social marketing and social change...
- Program Impact Attribution
This document provides a brief summary of options for assessing what portion of any measured behavior changes resulted from your program and what portion resulted from other influences. These options can also be used to attribute the...
- Program Evaluation Methods; Measurement and Attribution of Program Results
A good, detailed, freely accessible overview of program evaluation and attribution methods....
- Social and Behvior Change for Water Security, Sanitation, and Hygiene
This USAID technical brief lays out the process for developing Social and Behavior Change (SBC) programs in support of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and water resources management (WRM) objectives and provides examples of country...
- Messaging Tips for Promoting Green Behaviors
Two open-access articles in Behavioral Science & Policy (7: 2) provide guidance on crafting messages to promote green behaviors. The first argues that interventions will be most effective if they not only make it easier for people to...
- U.B.C. Campus Sustainability Engagement and Social Marketing Strategy - Review of Related Research and Similar Programs
This 2013 literature review summarizes behavioral barriers, benefits and interventions related to campus / institutional energy, water and waste-related behaviors.
Sections of this small-scale review, which was created for the University...
- Promoting Persistent Behaviors to Reduce Water Use in the Absence of Volumetric Pricing
The authors discuss how they used Feedback and Building Motivation, Engagement and Habits Over Time to reduce water use by 15-25% in an affluent community in India that had flat-rate pricing. The effects persisted for more than a year,...
- National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater-Public Education
Provides links to guides, toolboxes, fact sheets and campaign materialsBecause stormwater runoff is generated from dispersed land surface - pavements, yards, driveways, and roofs - efforts to control stormwater pollution must consider...
- Communicating Flood Risks in a Changing Climate
This report identifies nine principles for communicating about flooding in a changing climate.
This is a practical resource for campaigners, policy makers and those working with communities directly affected by flooding to. Its purpose...
- Engaging Teachers to Communicate Scientific Consensus on Climate Change and Other Topics
When consensus about a risk or mitigating behavior is newly developed and/or not clearly understood, communicating that consensus through teachers / instructors can be critical. While this blog entry focuses on climate change, it may also...
- Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly? The Green-Feminine Stereotype and Its Effect on Sustainable Consumption
Why are men less likely than women to embrace environmentally friendly products and behaviors? Building on prior findings that men tend to be more concerned than women with gender-identity maintenance, this article argues that this green...
- Impact of Comics vs Photographs on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavioural Intentions
This 2017 study compares two modes of visually presenting information - one using photographs and the other using cartoons - on audience's knowledge, attitudes and behavioural intentions.This study compares two modes of visually presenting...
- Road Signs Plus Mailings Reduce Lawn Watering: The rain-watered lawn
This pilot with control group found that households watered more conservatively than with water restrictions alone if they were also informed of recent rainfall totals.Water restrictions are a common municipal water conservation strategy...
- Resources for Those at the Intersection of Behavior and the Environment
This page highlights RARE's resources for those at the intersection of behavior and the environment.
Behavior Change Interventions in Practice: A Synthesis of Criteria, Approaches, Case Studies, and Indicators.
The Science of...
- Nature Contact, Nature Connectedness and Associations with Health, Wellbeing and Pro-Environmental Behaviours
This 2020 study investigated the relationships between three types of nature contact, psychological connectedness, health, subjective wellbeing and pro-environmental behaviours. It suggests that interventions increasing both contact with,...
- Collective Efficacy Beliefs and the Greta Thunberg Effect
This study indicates that high-profile public advocates like Greta Thunberg can shape collective efficacy beliefs and motivate collective action, but their effect is likely stronger among those with a shared political ideology.Despite Greta...
- Enhancing Domestic Water Conservation Behaviour: A review of empirical studies on influencing tactics
This paper, published in 2019, is a great summary of what works and under what conditions, based on a review of empirical studies about Behaviour Influencing Tactics (BITs) for domestic water conservation. The BITs are: knowledge transfer,...
- Boosting Program Referrals Using Reciprocity and Convenience
This field experiment with 7,680 low-income homeowners boosted referral rates, new participant numbers, and progam cost-effectiveness. It achieved this with two changes to a program that was already running. (1) It offered, in addition to...
- On-Bill Feedback Lowers Water Use, but Not Email Feedback
This large-scale field randomized control trial found that feedback using per household comparisons achieved statistically significant reductions in consumption, but per capita comparisons had no effect. Of the groups receiving per...
- Health-Evidence.ca
A free, searchable online registry of systematic reviews on the effectiveness of public health and health promotion interventions. The content has been quality rated. Bilingual (English and French).
Topics include: AIDS, environmental...