
Personal Health Promotion Interventions Using Telephone and Web-based Technologies

URL: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/documents/committees/HCDSDFVPC/2015/PersonalPhoneWebTechnology/submissions/015.pdf

This report covers telephone and web-based coaching interventions for increasing physical activity, improving nutrition and reducing weight.


This report covers personal health promotion interventions using telephone and web-based technologies. It focuses on the following areas.

  • Evidence for the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of health coaching interventions to increase physical activity, improve nutrition and reduce weight
  • Current interventions in Queensland
  • Experience in other jurisdictions
  • Recommendations for success
  • Potential opportunities for collaboration and cooperation 

See also the excellent submission from the University of Queensland.


Topics: Environment:, Sustainable transportation, Health Promotion, Active living, Nutrition
Location: Australia
Resource Type: strategies and interventions
Publisher: Government of Queensland (Health and Ambulance Services Committee)
Date Last Updated: 2021-07-19 11:34:04

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