This section contains over 200 case studies of social marketing / behavior change programs from around the globe, making it the largest open-access collection in the world. It includes a broad sampling of programs to offer a wide variety of approaches and tools used, locations, types of organizations and participants, activities being promoted and problems being addressed. Most of these case studies illustrate approaches that have worked. However, examples of potential pitfalls are also included to provide you with a realistic map of the terrain ahead.
All the Case Studies and examples are described in the past tense, including programs that are still operating. If the program is still operating, the Case Study summary is written in the present tense.
Landmark Case Studies: In three topic areas - climate change, energy, and transportation - we use a peer review and selection process to recognizes behavior change approaches and programs considered to be among the most successful, innovative, replicable and adaptable. Their cases studies are designated Landmark and indicated by the gold and teal-blue compass icon below. Nominate your favorite program! See our Landmark page for further details.
We are actively looking for new case studies for all our topic areas (not just Landmark case studies). If you know of any that might make good additions to this site, please let us know.
By Topic Area: Are you looking for case studies in particular topic areas? View Topic Resources.
Portland’s Transportation Wallet is a demand management strategy that encourages people to drive less and try alternative travel modes, while reducing the use of single-occupant vehicles, the demand for on-street parking, and the burdens of transportation costs for people with low-incomes. Users see it as a package of valuable travel options at a deep discount, or at no cost when trading in a parking permit or meeting income criteria. The program is funded by charging for choosing the ‘competition’ (i.e. making it more expensive to drive / park a car.)
MORE »In 2021, Google introduced a feature in Google Maps to help drivers lower their greenhouse gas emissions through their route choices. As a result, between the feature’s launch in October 2021 and December 2022, Google Maps users reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 1.2 million metric tons using this new option.
MORE »Cool Block promotes over one hundred actions that can help make households, neighborhoods and entire cities more sustainable.
MORE »This campaign focused on hot water heaters that provide water on demand for heating a home and also for cooking and cleaning. Lowering the water flow temperature from 80°C to 60°C could save a 9% reduction in total gas use, but only one in ten households had adjusted their water flow temperature in the previous year. Nesta developed and pilot tested an online tool to help occupants lower their own water flow temperatures.
In 2022 and 2023, over 214,000 people used the online tool and indicated that they had turned down their water flow temperatures. Based on Nesta’s research, that would save around 200,304,000 kWh and £20 million on energy bills and would avoid the release of 37,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The campaign created £33 of savings for every £1 spent on marketing.
MORE »Fairfax County established Transportation Demand Management (TDM) requirements (“proffers”) for new development that would have significant traffic impacts. For buildings within the urban centre of Tysons, trips had to be reduced between 25% and 65% during peak hours, depending on the size of the building and its proximity to the Metrorail stations. The county proffers required large new properties to annually monitor trips, conduct tenant commuting surveys, and show that they were meeting their trip reduction goals. They also had to conduct surveys every three years. Over seven years, 13 such developments generated 63% fewer trips, which was 34% beyond their goals. For the office buildings, this was likely at least partly a result of more people working from home during the COVID pandemic.
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