
Accelerating Movement Through the Stages of Change for Forest Conservation: a best practice literature review and synthesis

URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318421816_Accelerating_Movement_Through_the_Stages_of_Change_for_Forest_Conservation_a_'best_practice'_literature_review_and_synthesis

This report documents how to accelerate the movement from one stage of change to the next. The report has three main sections: (1) an introduction to Stage of Change theory, (2) recommendations for accelerating movement at each stage of change, and (3) recommendations for measuring movement from one stage to the next.


AFF has been working to engage woodland owners in sustainable forest management for 75 years through the American Tree Farm System. For the last five years it has tried to reach unengaged landowners through social marketing and other behavior change strategies. AFF targets a number of one-time or occasional forest management actions that these landowners can take on their lands, depending on individual circumstances. In preparation for taking action, a key step is for these landowners to arrange a visit with a professional forester, who helps determine which actions are called for. AFF?s current interventions are largely based on Prochaska and DiClemente?s Stages of Change Theory (Transtheoretical Model). AFF commissioned this report so it could learn and document how to accelerate the movement from one stage of change to the next. The report has three main sections: (1) an introduction to Stage of Change theory, (2) recommendations for accelerating movement at each stage of change, and (3) recommendations for measuring movement from one stage to the next.

Topics: Environment:, Sustainable agriculture and wildlife conservation
Location: US
Resource Type: strategies and interventions, consumer research
Publisher: American Forestry Foundation
Date Last Updated: 2019-04-27 10:01:29

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