
Making Heat Visible: Promoting energy conservation behaviors through thermal imaging

URL: http://eab.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/02/27/0013916514546218.full.pdf+html

Two British studies indicate the value of thermal imaging for making heat loss visible and changing behaviors. Published in 2015.


In one British study (n=43), householders who received a thermal image reduced their energy use at a 1-year follow-up, whereas householders who received a carbon footprint audit and a non-intervention control demonstrated no change.

In another study (n = 87), householders were nearly 5 times more likely to install draught proofing measures after seeing a thermal image. The effect was especially pronounced for actions that addressed an issue visible in the images. Findings indicate that using thermal imaging to make heat loss visible can promote energy conservation. 

Topics: Environment:, Climate change mitigation, Energy efficiency
Location: UK - England
Resource Type: strategies and interventions
Publisher: Sage (Environment & Behavior)
Date Last Updated: 2021-08-29 12:53:20

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