
Strategies for Engaging Parents in Active School Travel

URL: http://ontarioactiveschooltravel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Engaging-Parents-in-Active-School-Travel-Summary-of-Research-Oct-2021.pdf

Parents and caregivers play a key role in determining if a child will walk or wheel to school. This report summarizes barriers and strategies for better engaging parents and caregivers, related to active school travel.


Parents and caregivers play a key role in determining if a child will walk or wheel to school. The resistance to change amongst those who choose to drive their children to school remains an ongoing and significant barrier to renormalizing active school travel within communities across Canada.

This report summarises research work completed by the Ontario Active School Travel (OAST) Council between 2018 and 2020. Led by the OAST Council's Parent Engagement Working Group (PEWG), the research sought to investigate strategies to better engage parents in initiatives that aim to get more children using active transportation for school journeys.

The PEWG completed an Environmental Scan to summarize existing available research and resources, and commissioned Cullbridge Marketing and Communications to develop a set of Strategic Recommendations, which also incorporated the findings of parallel research conducted in 2019 by The Strategic Counsel on behalf of Metrolinx.

Topics: Environment:, Sustainable transportation, Health Promotion, Active living, Safety
Location: Canada-Ontario
Resource Type: strategies and interventions
Publisher: Green Communities Canada
Date Last Updated: 2022-01-31 10:33:15

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